The pediatrician-recommended and award-winning patented Miracle Blanket swaddle blanket for babies is a wrap, sack, and wearable blanket all-in-one.
• Proven to help babies go to sleep, sleep deeper, and for longer durations, while also providing an amazing tool for sleep training
• Calms crying and fussiness for ALL babies, even the fussiest baby that cries through the night
• Helps keep babies on their back
• Prevents twitching, the startle reflex, facial scratches, and touching the mouths and face
• One-size-fits-all, from preemie to above average sized babies
• Easy for nighttime diaper changes in the dark, while leaving baby�s upper body swaddled
• As essential as newborn diapers, and a top baby shower gift. Moms love the Miracle Blanket!
• Babies stay swaddled through the night, due to its patented arm flap design
• One of the most positively-reviewed swaddles in history, and has safely swaddled an estimated 2-3 million babies since its creation
Dimensions: 13 × 10 × 1 inches.